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Virtual Health Consultations

Get the Healthcare Advice You Need Without Having to Leave Your Home

How You Benefit from A Virtual Health Consultation

Let's face it - life is busy and it's only getting busier. Between juggling the school run or homeschooling, your job, making time for your significant other, PTA events and playing taxi to your kids, your health has slipped down your list of priorities, but now, it has become a problem you can no longer ignore.

If this sounds even a little bit like you, our virtual health consults might be just what you need.

We specialize in providing individualized healthcare for busy women of all ages who don't want to take precious hours out of their day to commute to a doctor's office, hang around in waiting rooms or hire a sitter, just to meet with a healthcare provider for 15 minutes in person.


Optimize Your Health So You Can Live At 100%

Our first priority is understanding your medical history and lifestyle, your health goals, and any symptoms you're currently experiencing in your daily life.

Sometimes, a single or one-time consult might be all you need, but for more complex issues, we may advise a medium-term partnership as the better solution.

In these cases, we may recommend comprehensive lab testing to enable us to see what complex conditions may exist and tailor the recommendations we make for you.

Once we've built up a detailed picture of your current health challenges, we'll create a customized plan to help treat the root cause of your condition(s) and associated symptoms

Boosting Immune System
Thyroid Conditions
Autoimmune Diseases

Virtual Health Consults Could Help You With:

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
Digestive Disorders
Hormone Issues / PCOS

Or call 586-333-3743 to schedule your appointment.

Fibromyalgia and Pain
Inflammatory Bowel Disorder

Your Customized Wellness Plan

We will walk you through the recommeded treatments and therapies for resolving your symptoms and optimizing your daily health, while periodically monitoring your progress, and adjusting as necessary.

Whether you schedule a single consult or choose to partner with us as your healthcare provider of choice, you can relax in the knowledge that this entire experience can be conducted from the comfort of your office or home.

Ready to move your health and wellness up on your list of priorities?

Why Telehealth Is For You

A virtual health consult provides you with information and suggestions that are intended to assist you in using natural means to boost and support your health.

Telehealth education services are not intended to serve as a medical diagnosis or treatment of any kind. Our fees for Telehealth are the same as the fees that we charge for our telephone consultations and office visits.

Please note that Medicare and medical insurance does not cover Telehealth services or recommended products.

Q&A About Telehealth

How Telehealth Can Serve Your Health Needs?

People who choose Functional Medicine are profoundly committed to their health. However, you may face obstacles that make it difficult to commit the necessary time and resources to seeing your provider on a regular basis. The use of telehealth technology reduces the burden on you by eliminating time away from work, childcare concerns and travel time and costs.

How Much Does It Cost?

Will Insurance Providers Pay for Telehealth Visits?

Your insurance will not cover telehealth or Functional Medicine visits with Bliss Wellness Center. Functional Medicine is a new frontier in health care. It questions the traditional approach of acute treatment and seeks to look at individual patient conditions in a newer, more holistic way. It makes sense that practitioners are looking to new technologies that take into account the way that people live and interact today. Telehealth and Functional Medicine are a natural fit for modern day concerns.

Right now, we are offering a discounted rate of $99 (normally $200) for your first telehealth visit.

Or call 586-333-3743 to schedule your appointment.

Read more about:  Our Philosophy | About Us | Testimonials

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