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At Bliss Integrative Medicine, we want to help women to feel healthy, energetic and fit, and we achieve that by working with a variety of women’s health issues. We start with a calm and supportive consultation where we discuss your medical history, lab results, lifestyle and current condition. After we review and discuss your details, we will design a customized health program, using natural medicine, that will start to get you back on track.


Conditions we treat include, but are not limited to:


  • PCOS

  • Thyroid Disorders

  • PMS

  • Menopause

  • Excessive Bleeding

  • Amenorrhea

  • Insomnia / Sleep Issues

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Chronic Fatigue

Every woman’s life is a beautiful and complex cycle. It’s made up of a sequence of intertwining life stages. If at any stage, the body is out of balance, you will start to experience signs or symptoms that the body uses to alert you that something is wrong. If hormone symptoms go untreated, a variety of issues can emerge and then symptoms start that are unpleasant and often difficult to correct.


In this clinic, we utilize advanced diagnostic methods, lifestyle counseling, Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, customized supplementation and nutrition therapy to get to the root of your symptoms so that you get the relief that you want. We offer an integrative and natural approach to women’s health.

Adolescent Years

From the time girls are about 10-12 years old, they begin menstruation and the hormonal swings and complexities therein. Many girls experience acne, PMS, mood swings or weight gain or fluctuations.


This is an important time because it sets the stage for the rest of our lives. Hormone swings are natural and medical doctors often prescribe birth control pills to regulate the menstrual cycle and help with the symptoms experienced. While birth control can temporarily correct or help with the problems, it doesn’t permanently fix the root cause causing the issues.


Now is the time to balance the hormones and work with symptoms and help young women learn how to take care of themselves and their bodies.

Menstrual Cycle / Fertile Years

If symptoms weren’t treated earlier in life, they typically get worse as a woman ages. However, if a woman is in balance, her menstruation will be regular and free of any problems. Whereas, if she is out of balance, her body will express that problemed state through many types of issues:


  • Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS)

  • Irregular or Painful Periods

  • PCOS

  • Thyroid Disorders (Hypothyroid, Hyperthyroid, Hashimoto’s – Autoimmune Thyroid)

  • Ongoing Insomnia

  • Infertility


I am passionate about working with you with these conditions because I know what it’s like to feel healthy and balanced, but I also know how miserable it feels when hormones are out of whack. Together, we will go deeper into the root causes of these issues and re-balance your body to establish a strong foundation for health. It’s not a quick-fix, but we’ll get to the root of the problem and get you on the right track, usually within a few sessions.

Pre-, Peri- Menopause

Menopause can be a huge physical and emotional transition for many women. As hormone levels drop, a wide range of symptoms are possible, including:

  • Scanty or Irregular Menstruation

  • Skipping Periods

  • Mood Swings

  • Hot Flashes or Night Sweats

  • Low Libido

  • Weight Gain

  • Fatigue

  • Depression

  • Insomnia

Next Steps

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s a good time to seek care. Dr. Kristy treats your body as a whole, while supporting your entire endocrine system, helping and guiding you through this challenging time.


We do our best to make your hormonal and health imbalances be as pain-free and symptom-free as possible. Call now for an appointment, you don’t need to suffer any more.

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