Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine (hormonal) disorder that primarily impacts women of reproductive age.
The cause of PCOS isn’t well understood, but may involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. It is also highly likely there’s a family component so you might be more likely to have PCOS if your sister or mother also has it. It is estimated that about 13% of reproductive-age women are currently living with the syndrome. In fact, PCOS is the single highest cause of infertility among women.
Although symptoms vary, some common symptoms of PCOS include:
Infertility due to lack of ovulation
Irregular menstruation: heavy, absent, or inconsistent periods
Unwanted hair growth: particularly on the face, arms, back, thumbs and/or toes
Unmanageable weight gain
Thinning of hair
Development of acne
Multiple cysts on the ovaries
Emotional disorders like anxiety and depression
